Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NOone in the lift line ah!!!!

For Project 2 I found Images of professional Snowboarders And replaced Their Picture with A photo of myself To signafy Things I dream Of doing while snowboarding

These are my two pictures from assignment number three. On the top I put a new car and a new person in an old fashion scene and in the bottom photo I put the rugby scrum inside of the fish bowl and I put the fish on the outside of the bowl

These were my three pictures from assignment number two. My sentences were 1: The music lover dances in a field of flowers 2: The baby human paints a picture and 3: The human takes a picture of the naked skier.

Psychedelic Forest

For this project i used pictures from when i went on a hike. The background picture is of a broken tree that we came across, and the mushrooms in the picture are individual pictures i took along the trail. I played around with hue and saturation, and used the burn tool to add more shadows to the mushrooms to make them fit into the image better.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Assignment 3-
Two Worlds:
Still Life with Universe

Assignment three

Here's my "combine two worlds" project, which actually combines four: the imaginary world of The 100 Acre Wood, the real world, the world of my childhood (and my interests therein) and my adult world (and my interests therein as well.)


The Grim Reaper meets an Angel, this could only happen in a fantasy world. I thought it would be fun to mix two completely different ideas, death with life, and create something you would never actually see.

Killington Eruption!

For this project I took a photo of my hometowns mountain, Killington, and made it look like it was erupting like a volcano. I think I chose this because I have grown up around this mountain and it would be insane if it really was a volcano and nobody knew it and it erupted one day! It's also ironic how the mountains name is "Killington". It was really difficult to not make this photo look fake and make the eruption one with the mountain. BOOOOM!

Forest of Enchantment

My friend and I journeyed to my home and visited Madame Sheri's Forest, where this picture was taken, and I thought it would be cool to add colorful images to the arches in the staircase. I then thought of Esher drawings with staircases leading to no-where, and thought it would be interesting to manipulate staircases and archways.

Landscape Assemblage

This image is assembled from original and procured images. The landscape and figure are original work created in 2008 and establishes a new theme inspired by the original pieces.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bowling in the Woods

This was a challenging project. Making it look like I was bowling in the woods wasn't as hard as making the fog look realistic. I thought about getting rid of the time stamp, but I think it looks more realistic this way as if this picture was really taken in the woods, and to remind us all of how annoying it is to upload all your pictures, delete them from your camera and remember that you took all of them with the time stamp on.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kitty Flowers

For this project I randomly came up with this idea of placing cats faces in flowers. I used photos of my own which I have to say are not the best quality. I used many layers and some layer masks. I played around with adjustment layers and messed around with hue/saturation levels as well. I experimented with the transformation application. In the end I learned how to merge layers which would have been a time saver earlier in the project. I enjoyed messing around with new things with this image.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

India for the most part

All the photos (the exception of course being the planets) I took a long time ago when I travelled. I used slide film for the India (desert sand dunes, snake charmer Taj) and Nepal (mountains and scary buses) photos and black and white of the Eiffel tower
and dog driving a boat. He was a really smart dog. I have been sitting here for hours trying to do these - only one image was requested for the assignment but if I do enough layers, masking, shadows, and copying to invert and make reflections I might understand this soon. The last one I did is the first on here that I just wanted to see how crazy it would look messing with the hue and saturation. Now I am numb, can't walk or think but my assignment is done!

Two Worlds One Stair

Landscape Collages

The lake collage is a combination of two different images. One being a photo of Lake Willoughby and the second of the sea cliffs in Ireland.
The Bridge collage was simply an image of a raging waterfall and i placed an image of an old moss covered bridge in front of it. I love how you can see the base of the waterfall clearly through the arch of the bridge.

2D in a 3D world

These images are drawings I have made placed in a 3D word. Maybe this is just left over thoughts of a third grader, but I've always wondered what it would be like if what I drew would come to life. Snow White would eat her apples without falling into a trance making her life much easier, but what if some of my other drawings came to life? Like Godzilla?

Monday, September 21, 2009


Uh oh, I didn't upload the correct last image with the others (the one with the raw egg with the stones), I am now adding it tonight but I can't figure out how to put it at the end of the group.

My sentence was "In time eggs raw in color become stones". I had wanted to try to color the eggs but never got that far, then thought it got crazy enough with the last image of stones. I scanned everything using plastic that had an edge to protect the scanner (I did a test with a raw egg at home to be sure it didn't run off the plastic). There was a lot of time spent getting rid of the plastic haze so I am hoping the next assignment I can do more. I think I am getting the hang of this masking thing, little by little. Also I am not sure you can see there is an old pocket watch in the last image and an old little magnifying glass-necklace and the stone charm bracelett were all my grandmother's. I like the round shapes of the eggs and stones etc and Bethany connected it all to fertility and time going by, something I thought of at first but actually forgot as I tried to not make this about my little boy as I had the first assignment(and every thing I seem to think about)... seems I can't escape that connection.

Here we are looking at my attempt at assignment 2 which was to pick 3 words from a list of random words and put them together into a sentence, then create 3 images illustrating my sentence of choice. the sentence i chose was, "I ate delicious beans with a coyote." I don't really know why I decided to make this sentence but I chose to illustrate it by scanning as image of my favorite beans first, then an image of my face in a smiling position to show how delicious the beans are. Next i made a picture of the coyote which i shared the beans with. I couldn't find a cool enough picture of a coyote so i took matters into my own hands and decided to draw my own. I filled my drawing in with a fur pattern to achieve maximum realness. My fourth image was of me eating the beans with the coyote in the woods.

A truck, a coyote, and a bear

The colors in the photograph of the flower were so brilliant that the coyote was mesmerized as he upon it.

The bear used the excuse of the heavy snow outside to go to the local tavern to get a beer.

The raw beauty of the old car was perfect in gentle contrast with its surroundings.
This series of collages used both a combination of internet images as well as a few of my own. I especially like the collage of the coyote in the gallery due to its perspective. I also really like the intensity of the colors in each of the images.

" It was a crazy Time where aliens and clowns Danced the night away and drank Beer while the music played." My pictures came from a music festival that I went to, and I just tried to take the people in costumes, hence the clowns and aliens, and take them out of context and make them appear real, or more than people dressed up. I tried like the bright colors against the black, and i just wanted each image to be vibrant, fun, and crazy.

Two Roses and a Lily

For this assignment i decided to use a few flowers as my subjects. I especially like the scanned image of the single rose stem because of its simplicity. I also love the details in the individual flowers.

Black, White & Color

This project really let me experience with color. Before this class I had really only worked with black and white photos, but by using a combination of the pen and brush tools I was able to add some much needed color. There are some things I wish I had done differently, but after the tedious task of using paths I learned new things and now won't make the same mistakes next time.
i obsess about skiing with bears on an island