Monday, December 14, 2009

Final Project

For this project I combined three of my favorite things: Christmas, fiction writing and Photoshop. Each picture here has a story to go along with it (written below)

From the files of NORAD:

Picture one, taken in Montpelier, France, was taken in 2003 when a young boy named Pierre Benoit rigged a trip wire to a camera in his living room on Christmas Eve. The picture, snapped when the trip was was activated, shows a blurred figure by the Christmas tree. The figure appears to be a man dressed in red and white clothes with a white beard. However, as is shown in the photograph, the man must be moving at speeds faster than any normal human being can travel. NORAD scientists have declared the photo genuine and do believe it is of Santa Claus.

Picture two was taken at a ski resort in Colorado by a man named Timothy Trahan. Trahan was taking pictures of the mountains on Christmas Eve in 2007. He said he wanted to catch the rare occurrence of a Christmas Eve full moon, which happens roughly once every 29 years. Trahan did not notice until after the picture was taken and uploaded to his computer that, passing in front of the moon, was what appeared to be a sleigh driven by reindeer. He says that the object was not visible to the naked eye when he snapped the picture. NORAD scientists, after comparing the object in the photo to images of Santa Claus captured by military satellites, have confirmed that the photo is not a fake and is, indeed Santa Claus.

Picture three was taken in St. Albans, Vermont, by a woman named Tracy McPeters who says that, on Christmas Eve 2001, she heard a noise downstairs in her living room. She says she went down the stairs, thinking that her cats might be playing with the Christmas Tree. However, she says, when she got to the bottom of her stairs, she saw a flash of red and white swirl around the tree and then head to the fireplace. She heard a noise in her chimney and, thinking quickly, grabbed her camera and ran outside to snap this picture. The picture shows what appears to be a man with a white beard and red clothes shooting out of the chimney at an unnatural rate of speed. NORAD scientists have been unable to find any signs of forgery and have concluded that this, too, is a real picture of Santa Claus.

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