Monday, December 14, 2009

more... posturize, saturate general all around experimenting was fun even if I lost perspective. Loved this class.

I am adding more of the photos... combining images and using the gradient colors and transforming the photo of a flamingo to fit on the little screen, transforming, duplicating/flipping/opacity for the water reflections, I like the cow named hope and put her in the trees. I did over exposure for Jacob's face, just liked the look and made his eyes blue. The waterfall shot was at a fast shutter speed but I liked the look of the blurred water from another photo I took but preferred the light and look of the rocks so put the blurred water on top and covered up some swimmers and the guy jumping...

Mark Jackson

These three images I created to reflect the interaction between man and environment. I really feel strongly about skiing and mountain biking, so I tried hard to really convey how I feel when interacting with different environments, whether it be snow or dirt.

I hope I am not repeating myself, I hit a button and it went poof.... trying to alter my photos with levels, hues and saturation. The waterfall combines the jumper from another shot - impossible to freeze and blur in the same shot...

My final batch of images is supposed to portray my imagination of a police state. These days police are everywhere, even places you wouldn't think needed them, like the beach, or in a grocery store, or at a elementary school but they are still everywhere. In my opinion police are a necessary part of a functional society but it can definitely be overwhelming at times and i do believe that they are beginning to show up in more places than they need to.


For my project I used three of my favorite quotes and made them into posters. I tried to incorporate things that related to the quote in the image. I really enjoyed playing around with the text.

JSC sports

For this assignment I wanted to focus on the photography of JSC sports, so I decided to create a series of posters and other ads for the sports of Johnson State College. I chose to use a selection of different sports. All of the photographs used in these ads are my own.

Final Project

For this project I combined three of my favorite things: Christmas, fiction writing and Photoshop. Each picture here has a story to go along with it (written below)

From the files of NORAD:

Picture one, taken in Montpelier, France, was taken in 2003 when a young boy named Pierre Benoit rigged a trip wire to a camera in his living room on Christmas Eve. The picture, snapped when the trip was was activated, shows a blurred figure by the Christmas tree. The figure appears to be a man dressed in red and white clothes with a white beard. However, as is shown in the photograph, the man must be moving at speeds faster than any normal human being can travel. NORAD scientists have declared the photo genuine and do believe it is of Santa Claus.

Picture two was taken at a ski resort in Colorado by a man named Timothy Trahan. Trahan was taking pictures of the mountains on Christmas Eve in 2007. He said he wanted to catch the rare occurrence of a Christmas Eve full moon, which happens roughly once every 29 years. Trahan did not notice until after the picture was taken and uploaded to his computer that, passing in front of the moon, was what appeared to be a sleigh driven by reindeer. He says that the object was not visible to the naked eye when he snapped the picture. NORAD scientists, after comparing the object in the photo to images of Santa Claus captured by military satellites, have confirmed that the photo is not a fake and is, indeed Santa Claus.

Picture three was taken in St. Albans, Vermont, by a woman named Tracy McPeters who says that, on Christmas Eve 2001, she heard a noise downstairs in her living room. She says she went down the stairs, thinking that her cats might be playing with the Christmas Tree. However, she says, when she got to the bottom of her stairs, she saw a flash of red and white swirl around the tree and then head to the fireplace. She heard a noise in her chimney and, thinking quickly, grabbed her camera and ran outside to snap this picture. The picture shows what appears to be a man with a white beard and red clothes shooting out of the chimney at an unnatural rate of speed. NORAD scientists have been unable to find any signs of forgery and have concluded that this, too, is a real picture of Santa Claus.

Artist Statement:

For my final project I wanted to create a series of images that would be pleasing to the eye and I really wanted to experiment with a variety of techniques and colors. I really wanted to use my photographs from my final project last semester, and I really was excited about altering and enhancing them. I also have a love for nature and being outside, so I thought that it would be really interesting a beautiful to combine imagery of the female form with elements from nature such as landscapes, butterflies, birds, trees, and flowers. I also used her body as a canvas for a landscape from an idea that I got from a Pink Floyd album cover. I am very pleased and each image was purely an experiment and I am glad at how they turned out.


For my final project i wanted to somehow incorporate my photography since i have not yet done that this semester. I scanned some of my film that i took during my intro to photo class and then used the stylus to make the images more cartoon like, which follows the style of my previous projects from this class. i decided that just the black and white images were a bit to plain so i added color and had fun working with that. I do like how the three final pieces came out and hope to work more with digital media in the future!

Final Project

My Digital Media Final Project is an animation. Intially, I began with the idea of construction and transformation of an image. After experimenting with the visualization of a construction of a drawing, I worked with Flash layers in order to manipulate the atmosphere of the animation (darken the surroundings, let snow fall, have lights in house turn on, etc.). I have enjoyed creating the variety of animations so far this semester. I feel that I have made great accomplishments, but I see a lot more possibilities.

Follow this link to see my newest animation "First Fall of Snow":

The Twilight Saga

I really like the Twilight Saga (mainly the books) so it was nice to be able to use it for my final project. Between the four different pieces I was able to use almost everything I learned in digital media. Including layer masks, cloning, vectors, and everything else. I really enjoyed the scanography assignment so I knew that I wanted it to look similar to that - therefore the pieces are mostly black. In the end I don't think that it came out too bad!

This was the previous assignment - I just never uploaded it to the blog.

For this project I decided to do my own rendition of a Florian Schneider piece. For the tv shows I used NCIS, Friends and Bones.